Spring Academy Show

Spring Academy Show

Saturday April 20th is the date for the next Lane of Dreams Academy show! Academy shows are designed to be an inviting way for horses and riders to practice in a horse show environment. The focus is on the experience and improvement rather than competition. Show clothes are not required, Ribbons will be awarded. Riders may bring their own horses or compete on our school horses. There is warmup and practice time allowed in the ring before each class.The show start time will depend on entries, and the show will end at 1pm. Ride times will be posted the Friday before. Send us a message if you would like to sign up- Classes Include: Leadline, Showmanship, Walk-Trot Trail, WTC Trail Ranch WT Pattern, Ranch WTC Pattern WT Ball Race (timed) WT Pole Bending (timed) WT(over) Poles (pre-jumping) WT Cross-Rail (poles course, with one cross-rail fence) Cross-Rail Hunters and Equitation Over Fences 2′ Hunters and Equitation Over Fences.

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