The Lane of Dreams Farm Academy Show Series offers a place for riders of all levels to compete on lesson horses or on their own horses. Most Academy classes are judged on rider’s individual performance against a standard and are focused on self-improvement and learning rather than on competition. Rider’s receive judge’s comments and scoring. Rides scoring above a 70% receive a blue ribbon, and rides scoring 50-69.9% receive a red ribbon. Riders have the opportunity to improve their scores at the next show or move on to the next division when ready. Show clothes are welcome, but not required for academy shows. Games classes are offered for both WT, or Canter Back. Some classes are judged as a group, and awarded 1-6th placings.

Riders may show on their own horses, or lease one of Lane of Dreams lesson horses.

Division Specifications : Assisted= coach or helper is in ring to assist rider when needed. Unassisted= no coach or helper allowed in arena. Most classes may be ridden in a western or English style. These are the divisions currently offered, but others may be added with rider interest- let us know. Classes held in the indoor arena, rain or shine.

Classes May Include:

Lead-line and Lead-line Trail– Rider’s of any age, led by a handler. Walk only.

In-hand Trail– Horse or pony led through the trail pattern, unmounted

Showmanship– Unmounted, judged on presentation and execution of in-hand pattern. This class will be awarded 1-6th placings.

Beginner WT/Trail– Can cross enter with the lead-line division, may be assisted or unassisted. Walk and trot.

Level 1 WT/Trail– Unassisted only. May cross enter with Beginner WT or Level 2. Walk and trot. May also be ridden bareback. (Riders may choose to compete for score, or for placement 1-6th)

Ranch WT/WTC Pattern– This pattern is a ranch type pattern judged on riders ability to execute a smooth pattern in a forward moving workmanlike fashion. To be ridden western (Riders may choose scoring, or placement 1-6th)

WT Keyhole /Canter Back Keyhole- This is a timed speed event through a Keyhole Pattern. Can be ridden western, or English. Placed 1-6th. In Canter back classes the riders are allowed to canter back at the end of the pattern.

WT Barrels/ Canter Back Barrels- This is a timed speed event through a Barrel Racing Pattern. Can be ridden western, or english. 1-6th placing.

Ball Race WT/Canter Back Ball Race– Timed event where riders ride down, drop a ball in a bucket, and ride back. 1-6th placing.

WT Pole Bending/Canter Back– Timed event where riders work through a modified pole bending pattern. 1-6th placing.

Level 2 WTC– For riders that wish to compete at the walk/trot/canter level. Can cross-enter with Level 1 WT classes.

Level 3 WTC – For riders who have moved out of the Level 2 WTC pattern by scoring a 75% or higher.

Level 4 WTC– For riders who have moved out of the Level 3 WTC pattern by scoring a 75% or higher.

WT over Poles– Open to riders in Beginner WT and above. May be assisted or unassisted. Riders are judged over a hunter style course of ground poles, but may be ridden in a Western or English saddle.

WT Cross Rail- Riders are judged over a ground poles pattern that includes one cross rail jump. English or Western equipment allowed.

Cross-rails, 2′, and 2’3″– Hunter and Equitation style jumping classes to be ridden in English hunter/jumper tack only, offered at 3 different heights.

Draw Your Mount Class English or Western- These classes are run in an IEA/YEDA/IHSA style where the riders draw the horse they will compete on before the class begins and show that horse with no warm-up beforehand. Classes are run separately.